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Little, Keith W. Lockton, Sarah E. Logan, Adria The Prostitutes Awgu environment where children grow up can have an Prostitutes Awgu impact on whether or not they develop the behavioural patterns that define disruptive behaviour disorder DBD. Research has shown that family instability, such as parental divorce or frequent disruption to routines, e. Children raised in chaotic homes- characterized by noise, overcrowding, and a lack of order-tend to score lower on tests of cognitive ability and self-regulatory capabilities, have poorer language abilities, and score higher on measures of problem behaviours and learned helplessness than do children raised Prostitutes Awgu less chaotic environments 11 If children are surrounded by a chaotic home life, they may begin to act out simply because there is no emotional stability, this could give them the leverage to Prostitutes Awgu deviant.

Similarly, children who are raised without appropriate discipline or whose parents tend to be more absent than not, can experience major impacts on the ways in which they behave. Atypical mother-child interaction at the Prostitutes Awgu of birth has also been theorized to have an effect on the onset of disruptive behaviour disorder. This is especially true when Prostitutes Awgu adolescents from the impoverished home environments fail to get their basic necessities and are easily influenced by the Prostitutes Awgu they socialize with; these peers could exert pressure on them to do what they would not have ordinarily done.

A study has revealed that during the transition from childhood to adolescence, relationships with peers become increasingly elaborate, more personal and emotional interactions with peers dominate adolescents' social environment, with American adolescents spending more than half of their awake-time with peers Peer pressure is influence of a peer group, observers or individual exerts that encourages others to change their attitudes, values, or behaviour to conform to groups.

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Peers exert a significant influence on Prostitutes Awgu during adolescence Peer pressure is commonly associated with events of adolescent risk taking such as delinquency, drug abuse, sexual behaviours, and reckless driving because these activities commonly occur in the company of peers The peer group is an important factor in adolescent Prostitutes Awgu and Prostitutes Awgu some bearing on teenagers' Prostitutes Awgu about sex.

Adolescents ages 11 to 18 report that they are most likely to get information about sexual health issues from their peers However, recent studies have shown that peer pressure might have positive or negative influences. A child influenced by a positive peer pressure can be inspired to Prostitutes Awgu more focused and zealous. Positive peer pressure can help one reflect actions and amend one's ways to become a better individual. It allows one to Prostitutes Awgu experiences and feelings and learn how to resolve conflicts, it provides adolescents with an appropriate environment for healthy development Conversely, adolescents' negative peer pressure, could lead to negative acts such as smoking, drinking, negative way of dressing and speaking, using illicit substances, engagement in sexual behaviours, adopting and accepting violence, adopting criminal and anti-social behaviours and in many other areas of the adolescent's life As adolescents begin to spend more time with peers, the relative importance of peer group influence over family influence may change.

Influence of peer pressure has been linked to adolescent risky sexual behaviour. Risky sexual behaviours are common behaviours that increase one's Prostitutes Awgu of contracting sexually transmitted infections and having unintended pregnancies.

In Nigeria, data shows that adolescents 15 to 19 years old engage in high risky sexual behaviour: The proportion of adolescents who engage in this high risky sexual behaviour was higher than what was observed in other age groups. Other high risky sexual behaviours - transactional sex, multiple sex partnership, mixing of Prostitutes Awgu partners - are on the increase among adolescents in Prostitutes Awgu Disruptive behaviour disorders DBDs are a group of behavioural Prostitutes Awgu defined by ongoing patterns of hostile and defiant behaviours that children and adolescents direct towards any type of authority figure.

The two most common forms of disruptive behaviour are oppositional defiant disorder ODD and conduct disorder CD. CD is characterized by persistent and repetitive behaviours that involve violating the basic rights of other human beings and severely breaking rules set to enforce age-appropriate societal norms.

Oppositional defiant disorder ODD is similar to conduct disorder but usually presents itself earlier in a child's life. ODD is characterized by patterns of hostile, defiant, and disobedient behaviours directed at parents, teachers, and any other type of authority figure Adolescents with DB may Prostitutes Awgu behavioural, cognitive and psychological symptoms. Behavioural symptoms are social isolation, bullying, revenge-seeking behaviours, lying, stealing, willful destruction of property, blaming others, actively defying or refusing to comply with rules, being cruel to animals, playing with fire.

The psychosocial symptoms are lack of empathy, lack of remorse, false sense of grandiosity, persistent negativity, low self-esteem, chronic annoyance and irritability If children do not receive proper treatment interventions, the effects of DB can be long-lasting Prostitutes Awgu can, in some cases, lead to development of anti-social personality disorder.

Some examples of the long-term effects that untreated DB can have on a person include: criminal involvement, incarceration, inability to develop and maintain healthy, meaningful relationships, social isolation, substance abuse and risky Prostitutes Awgu behaviours Frequent risk factors for DBDs are emotional problems, mood disorders, multiple mental disorders and environmental risk factors, family difficulties and substance abuse However, it seems Nigeria and particularly Enugu State secondary schools are not yet aware of turbulences of adolescence stage triggered by hormonal changes and some dramatic and drastic developments which are prevalent at this stage of life.

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These adolescents, if not properly monitored may be influenced negatively to engage in risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour which Prostitutes Awgu be destructive and harmful to their lives. Some adolescents in Enugu State have poor home environments and are consequently, easily influenced by peers, to engage in disruptive and risky sexual behaviours.

It has been observed that not much is known about the extent to which home environment and peer pressure predict adolescents' disruptive and Prostitutes Awgu sexual behaviours in Nigeria. This therefore, makes this study imperative. The problem of this study, therefore, put in a question form is: What are Prostitutes Awgu predictive powers of home environment and peer pressure on disruptive and Prostitutes Awgu sexual behaviours of SSII adolescents in Enugu State, Nigeria?

The general purpose of this study is to ascertain the predictive power of home environment Prostitutes Awgu peer pressure on disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour of secondary school class three adolescents in Enugu State, Nigeria. Specifically, the study sought to: Determine the relationship of peer group pressure on adolescents' disruptive behaviour disorder; Investigate peer group pressure and the predictor power on adolescents' risky sexual behaviour; Investigate the predictive power of home environment on adolescents' disruptive behaviour disorder; Investigate the predictive power of home Prostitutes Awgu on adolescents' risky sexual behaviour.

Following approval by University of Nigeria, Nsukka, Ethical Committee for Non-Clinical Research Involving Prostitutes Awgu Subjects, a cross-sectional analysis of the baseline assessment of a longitudinal study among early adolescents was adopted for the Prostitutes Awgu.

A multi-stage sampling technique was employed to draw a sample of secondary school adolescents. An observation schedule and structured interview Prostitutes Awgu and well-structured questionnaire were also used to elicit information on adolescents' DBD whilst the RSB were ascertained based on adolescents' Prostitutes Awgu of sexual behaviour in the past 12 months.

This was done through the help of six research assistants. The instruments were validated by experts. The reliability coefficient of the instruments were ascertained by subjection to field trial. The adolescents were asked to Prostitutes Awgu the questionnaire on their home environment, peer pressure, disruptive behaviour disorder and risky sexual behaviours. A questionnaire with four clusters was also used to elicit information on theadolescents' home environment, Prostitutes Awgu pressure, risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour disorder.

The adolescents' home environment was ascertained using a item questionnaire divided into eight sub-scales: responsivity, encouragement of maturity, emotional climate, learning materials and opportunities, enrichment, family companionship and physical environment.

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Participants indicated the extent to which they agreed to the home environment item statements. Statements were responded to using Prostitutes Awgu Likert type format: Items included: very much, pretty much, just a little, not at all. Home environment scores were calculated by finding the total Prostitutes Awgu for the items.

Internal consistency was originally established range Prostitutes Awgu 0. The test-retest reliability ranged from 0. A researcher-developed peer group pressure PGP scale of 16 items was used to assess the adolescents' Prostitutes Awgu group influence. The PGP scale is related to the adolescents' tendency to be influenced by their peers. Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient for the scale in this study was 0.

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The scale generally has Prostitutes Awgu reliability: Test-retest correlations are in the range of 0. Coefficient alpha was 0. No norms or cut-off were found for non-clinical samples.

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The self-reported adolescent version of the student's risky sexual behaviour questionnaire SRSBQ is a brief questionnaire aimed at assessing students' risky sexual behaviour within the last 12 months.

This questionnaire has Prostitutes Awgu items. There was generally a high reliability for the scale. Test-retest correlations ranged from 0. Disruptive behaviour disorder was ascertained using observation schedule and questionnaire. To study the predictive power, the researchers conducted several regression models. To estimate the statistical significance of the models, the researchers calculated Wilks, Lamba, Pillai's trace, Lawley-Hotelling trace, and Roy's largest roots.

This study was approved by the University of Prostitutes Awgu, Nsukka research committee October 18 th It was performed in accordance with the Declaration of research committee of the University. All participants gave informed consent and assent. In the adjusted results, it was found that adolescents' home environment was strongly associated with all facets of disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour.

Having a stimulated home environment reduced the probability of having adolescents with disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour, Prostitutes Awgu unstimulated home environment increased the probability of having disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour. Adolescents who had positive peer pressure, had higher probability of being more Prostitutes Awgu, zealous, allows one to share experiences, feelings, learn how to resolve conflicts, and provides adolescents with an appropriate environment for healthy development.

Conversely, adolescents' negative peer Prostitutes Awgu could be associated with negative or disruptive behaviour and disruptive acts such as smoking, drinking, immodest ways of dressing and speaking, using illicit substances, engagement in risky sexual behaviours, Prostitutes Awgu and accepting violence, adopting criminal and anti-social behaviours.

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To test the predictive value of home environment and peer pressure on disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour of adolescents, a multiple linear regression was employed. A graphical examination of the residuals in a QQ plot indicated no departure from normality revealing the data as suitable Prostitutes Awgu regression analysis.

Research shows that the predictor variables; home environment and peer pressure of the adolescents significantly predict their disruptive and risky sexual behaviours.

A two-step Prostitutes Awgu models were created to investigate the strength of the predictive variables home environment responsivity, encouragement of maturity, emotional Prostitutes Awgu, learning materials and opportunities, enrichment, family companionship and physical environment and peer pressure as predictors of risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour disorder.

None of the assumptions of multiple regression was violated. The results of the analysis are shown in Table 1.

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Multiple regression examining the predictive strength of home environment on risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour. An examination of Table 1 shows a strikingly similar Prostitutes Awgu in each model, whereby the peer pressure and the eight sub-scales of home environment were strong significant predictors of the disruptive and risky sexual behaviours. The results suggest that peer pressure and home environment exert a similar significant impact over disruptive and risky sexual behaviours.

The results further Prostitutes Awgu that stimulated Prostitutes Awgu environment significantly predicts disruptive and risky sexual behaviours whilst unstimulated home environment has been found as a non-significant predictor of risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour.

Positive peer pressure on the other hand exerts a significant impact over the adolescents' risky Prostitutes Awgu behaviour and disruptive behaviour whilst negative peer pressure has been found as a non-significant predictor of risky sexual behaviour and disruptive behaviour.

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Prostitutes Awgu the best of the researchers' knowledge, this is the first study in Enugu state, Nigeria. This study indicates that adolescents who reported their home environments to have high Prostitutes Awgu of responsivity, encouragement of maturity, emotional climate, learning materials and opportunities, enrichment, family companionship and physical environment displayed compliant behaviour.

Whilst those with chaotic and unstimulated home environment displayed disruptive behaviours Prostitutes Awgu as interupting or intruding on others, arguing with others, lying to obtain favour or to avoid obligations, getting easily distracted by extraneous stimuli, engaging in physically dangerous activities without considering possible consequences, truant from school, violation of rules, initiating physical fights among others.

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The finding is in consonance with 13 who explained that a Prostitutes Awgu environment associated with parenting and family adversities is related to development and reinforcement of conduct problems. Similarly, a study has shown that children raised in unstimulated or chaotic homes-characterized by noise, overcrowding, and lack of order, tend to score lower on tests of cognitive ability and self-regulatory capabilities, have poorer language abilities, and Prostitutes Awgu higher on measures of problem behaviours such as disruptive disorder, conduct behaviour and learned helplessness than do children raised in stimulated or in a less chaotic environments Furthermore, the present study found a strong and Prostitutes Awgu predictive power of home environment on adolescents' risky sexual behaviour.

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Also, stimulated home environment predicts adolescents with risky sexual behaviour, also adolescents' engagement in unprotected sex, multiple partners, being so drunk and being unable to resist sex, having sex without condom unprotected sexengaging in unexpected and unanticipated sexual experience among others, implicated risky sexual behaviour.

The present finding is in line with Abert 22 who noted that home environment has facilitated the development of risky sexual behaviours among young adults and adolescents. In a similar vein, 7 reported that a home environment with disruption of parents' marriage and a situation where the adolescent is living with a single parent associates with risky sexual behaviour, because there is seemingly less monitoring of the adolescents.

It was also found that peer pressure strongly predicts Prostitutes Awgu DB. This finding demonstrates that adolescents Prostitutes Awgu show Prostitutes Awgu heightened sensitivity to negative peer pressure strongly exhibit disruptive behaviour. This finding agrees with Brendan 24 that peer relationship difficulties have emerged as a Prostitutes Awgu and important predictor of mental health and behavioural adjustment.

Adolescents with impaired peer relationships are at elevated risk of compounding problems in multiple domains of their life. Contrarily, adaptive peer relationships appear to buffer children, possibly through the development of positive social connections. The Prostitutes Awgu of this study reveal peer Prostitutes Awgu as a strong predictor of adolescents' risky sexual behaviour.

This finding indicates that adolescents with impaired or negative peer group have the Prostitutes Awgu to engage in risky sexual behaviour while those that associate with Prostitutes Awgu or adaptive peer group are less vulnerable to risky sexual behaviour.

This assertion was affirmed by Vaquera 18 who asserted that a child influenced by a positive peer pressure can be inspired to be more focused and Prostitutes Awgu, to share experiences Prostitutes Awgu feelings and learn how to resolve Prostitutes Awgu, it provides adolescents with an appropriate environment for healthy development.

Conversely, adolescents' relationship with negative peers, could lead to negative acts such as smoking, drinking, negative way of dressing and speaking, using illicit substances, engagement in sexual behaviours, adopting and accepting violence, adopting criminal and anti-social behaviours and in many other areas of the adolescent's life Adolescents' home environment has tremendous impact on their behaviour and life generally.

In other words, if the home is not stimulated or is unable to provide the adolescent with basic necessities, Prostitutes Awgu adolescent could be vulnerable to negative peer group pressure. However, unstimulated home environment and negative peer group could consequently interact to predispose these adolescents to disruptive behaviour and risky sexual behaviour. National Center for Biotechnology InformationU.

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