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Female chimpanzees Pan troglodytes provide sex in Prostitutes Pecs for calorie-rich meat from males that hunt Gomes and Boesch, Although money is a human cultural artifact, brown capuchin Prostitutes Pecs Cebus Prostitutes Pecs are capable of learning the validity of symbolic currency and may trade tokens for Prostitutes Pecs Chen et al.

These studies highlight how prostitution is not unique to humans and that monetary transactions can be Prostitutes Pecs from an evolutionary perspective.

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Cross-culturally, men who pay for sex report having more sexual partners than men who have never purchased sex Pitts et al. Male clients also tend to report an earlier sexual debut than non-clients Schei and Stigum, ; Ompad et al.

Furthermore, male clients of prostitution express more permissive attitudes toward extramarital sex, they think about sex more frequently, report Prostitutes Pecs higher frequency of masturbating Monto and McRee, ; Monto and Milrod,and access pornography more often than men who do not pay for sex Monto and McRee, ; Farley et al. Male clients have further been shown to engage in more sexual risk-taking and have a higher likelihood Prostitutes Pecs acquiring and transmitting sexually transmitted illnesses than non-buyers Ward et al.

Compared to men who have never bought Prostitutes Pecs, male clients also display less empathic accuracy i.

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Purchasing sex has also been associated with rape myth acceptance among men Cotton et al. Across samples of arrested offenders and non-offenders from different cultures, a very consistent set of Prostitutes Pecs regarding why men purchase sex from women have been identified McKeganey, Prostitutes Pecs Xantidis and McCabe, ; Vanwesenbeeck, ; Cotton et al.

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However, caution should be exercised when trying to extrapolate findings from offenders to non-arrested male Prostitutes Pecs of sex work because these individual differ in important ways e.

These key general Prostitutes Pecs include: wanting novel, exciting, and forbidden sex with a variety of female sex workers Prostitutes Pecs are treated with contempt to satisfy their sexual urges; seeking specific sexual acts that dating or Prostitutes Pecs partners are unwilling or unlikely to provide; perceiving sex in a business-like manner without emotional involvement that is less complicated than dating and romantic relationships; a desire to dominate and control female sex workers who are perceived as vulnerable and Prostitutes Pecs and seeking comfort, companionship, love, and intimacy.

The results described in this section support the idea that a majority of male clients Prostitutes Pecs female sex workers express heightened short-term mating proclivities, but that the motives guiding a subgroup of men purchasing prostitution may actually signal long-term mating effort e. Few researchers have directly assessed major dimensions of personality among male clients of female sex workers. In Zimbabwe, men who had previously been clients of prostitution reported higher levels of impulsivity, pleasure seeking, and ego-defensiveness Wilson et al.

Australian male clients of brothels purchasing services from female sex workers expressed higher levels of sensation-seeking i.

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Xantidis and McCabe also found that male clients espousing motives in line with viewing sex as a business transaction, were significantly higher in sensation-seeking than customers seeking Prostitutes Pecs and companionship.

American men Prostitutes Pecs bought prostitution services reported heightened levels of hostile masculinity, Prostitutes Pecs is argued to be a personality profile embodying hostility and cynicism toward women, and attitudes that justify aggression toward and the domination of women Farley et al. Among American men arrested for prostitution, those who endorsed inaccurate beliefs about prostitution e.

There are several lines of evidence discussed in the preceding sections that support the argument that the Dark Tetrad personality characteristics may be relevant in understanding why certain men pay for sex.

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Like many male clients of prostitution, individuals higher on the Dark Tetrad traits tend to express a penchant for short-term and impersonal sex Holtzman and Strube,; Jonason et al. These findings also suggest Prostitutes Pecs the Dark Tetrad may be especially prevalent among men expressing particular motives, including Prostitutes Pecs and contemptuous sex with a variety of sex workers, commodified and business-like sex, and the desire to have power over and to control sex workers see Figure 1 for predicted relations.

Conversely, the traits of the tetrad may not as clearly typify men seeking sex Prostitutes Pecs for specific acts due to unfulfilled desires from their partners. The prevalence of the Dark Tetrad dimensions is likely even more diminished among men who buy sex for the purpose Prostitutes Pecs companionship, intimacy, and love.

Figure 1. Hypothetical expression of Dark Tetrad traits along a scale from 1 low to 7 high among male clients of female sex works by motive and type of prostitution service. It is also possible that male clients of outdoor sex work e. This is because outdoor sex work is characterized by elevated risk, danger, illegal substance use, and the exploitation of women who are more often the targets of violence on Prostitutes Pecs of clients Lowman, ; Lowman Prostitutes Pecs Atchison, ; Sanders, ; Milrod and Monto, Indeed, many men who seek female sex workers through internet sexual service providers for indoor prostitution report avoiding outdoor sex workers for these reasons Milrod and Monto, Male clients of indoor sex work tend to be older and buy sex for the purpose of companionship, love, and intimacy in comparison to men who pay for outdoor prostitution services Milrod and Monto, It is important to consider evidence that could falsify the predictions delineated in the previous section.

The personality trait Prostitutes Pecs honesty-humility shares a negative association with each Dark Tetrad trait Lee et al. Therefore, Prostitutes Pecs honesty-humility is positively associated with the motives of exciting and contemptuous sex, commodified Prostitutes Pecs, or power and control, evidence would run counter to our predictions. Similarly, if men who buy sex in the form of outdoor prostitution express greater honesty-humility than clients who buy sex using indoor services, this would also contradict our Prostitutes Pecs.

In future research, it will be important Prostitutes Pecs examine major dimensions of personality, Prostitutes Pecs as the Dark Tetrad traits, among clients, as well as the type of prostitution service they are accessing. Furthermore, many investigators do not Prostitutes Pecs whether men who have paid for sex have previously been arrested for solicitation of prostitution, which precludes an examination of this potentially confounding variable Monto and McRee, ; Monto and Milrod, It is also important for researchers Prostitutes Pecs consider the role of random responding when studying variables with values that are not centered around the Prostitutes Pecs of response scales, such as Prostitutes Pecs and psychopathy Holtzman Prostitutes Pecs Donnellan, Prostitutes Pecs Failure to take random responding into account for these kinds of variables can lead to inflated and biased effect size estimates, which can contribute to inaccurate inferences about statistical results.

In the current mini review, we argue that an evolutionary personality perspective can shed unique insight into the personality characteristics of male clients of female sex work.

Given that men who display higher levels of socially deviant personality traits e. These relations may be particularly apparent among male Prostitutes Pecs espousing specific motives e.

Nonetheless, there is a dearth of research on the personality characteristics that typify men who buy sex from those who do not. Empirical work on this topic is important because it can be used to better inform lawmakers, health professionals, and sex workers regarding the kinds of men who purchase sex, as well as the risks and dangers associated with involvement in particular kinds of prostitution. AD took the lead role in determining the focus of the submission, conducting the literature review, and writing the manuscript.

TV and SA provided important guidance in helping to writing and editing the manuscript in preparation for submission. All authors contributed to the article and approved the submitted version. The authors declare that the research Prostitutes Pecs conducted in the absence of any commercial or financial relationships that could be construed as a potential conflict of interest.

Bastian, B. A dehumanization perspective on dependence in low-satisfaction abusive relationships.

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Baughman, H. Four shades of sexual fantasies linked to the Prostitutes Pecs Triad. Baumeister, R. The intrinsic appeal of evil: sadism, sensational thrills, and threatened egotism. Benoit, C. Prostitution stigma and its effect on the working conditions, personal lives, and Prostitutes Pecs of sex workers. Sex Res. Book, A. Buckels, E. Behavioral confirmation of everyday sadism.

Burley, N. Google Scholar.

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Buss, D. How can evolutionary psychology successfully explain personality and individual differences? Baumeister Hove: Psychology Press57— Mate preferences and their behavioral manifestations. Prostitutes Pecs, A. Intrasexual competitiveness and personality traits: a study in Uruguay.

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Carter, G. Chen, M. How basic are behavioral biases? Evidence from capuchin monkey trading behavior. Cotton, A. Attitudes toward prostitution and acceptance of rape myths.

Davis, A. The relations between life history strategy and dark personality traits among young Prostitutes Pecs.

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De Petrillo, F. Evolutionary origins of money categorization and exchange: an experimental I nvestigation in tufted capuchin monkeys Sapajus spp. Decker, M. Del Giudice, M. Rethinking the fast-slow continuum of individual differences. Dubas, J. Dark personality traits and impulsivity among adolescents: differential links to problem behaviors and family relations. Shackelford Prostitutes Pecs V. Weekes-Shackelford Cham: Springer. Edwards, B.

Dark and vulnerable Prostitutes Pecs trait correlates of dimensions of criminal behavior among adult offenders. Farley, M. Comparing sex buyers Prostitutes Pecs men who do not buy sex: new data on prostitution and trafficking. Attitudes and social characteristics of men who buy sex in Scotland.

Trauma Theory Res. Policy 3, — Sociosexuality and bright and dark personality: the prediction of behavior, attitude, and desire to engage in casual sex.

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Public Health Figueredo, A. The K-factor, covitality, and personality. Fiske, S. From dehumanization and objectification, to Prostitutes Pecs neuroimaging studies on the building blocks of empathy.

Furthermore, male clients of prostitution express more permissive attitudes toward extramarital sex, they think about sex more frequently, report a higher frequency of masturbating Monto and McRee, ; Monto and Milrod, , and access pornography more often than men who do not pay for sex Monto and McRee, ; Farley et al.

Foster, J. Theoretical models of narcissism, sexuality, and relationship commitment. Gladden, P. Life history strategy, psychopathic attitudes, personality, and general intelligence. Gomes, C. Prostitutes Pecs chimpanzees exchange meat Prostitutes Pecs sex on a long-term basis.

PloS One 4:e Harcourt, C. The many faces of sex work. Harris, G. Coercive and precocious sexuality as a fundamental aspect of psychopathy. Heym, N. Empathy at the heart of darkness: empathy deficits that bind the Dark Triad and those that mediate indirect relational aggression. Psychiatry Holtzman, N. Zeigler-Hill, L. Welling, and T. Shackelford Cham: Springer— A simulator of the degree to Prostitutes Pecs random responding leads to biases in the correlations between two individual differences.

Fast and slow sexual strategies are not opposites: implications for personality and psychopathology. Campbell and J. Above and beyond short-term mating, long-term mating is uniquely tied to Prostitutes Pecs personality. Hunter, F. Auk— Jewkes, R. Rape perpetration by young, rural South African men: prevalence, patterns and risk factors.

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Transactional relationships and sex with a woman in prostitution: prevalence and Prostitutes Pecs in a representative sample of South African men. BMC Public Health Jonason, Prostitutes Pecs. The exploitive mating strategy of the Dark Triad traits: tests of rape-enabling attitudes.

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Living a fast life: the Prostitutes Pecs Triad and life history theory. The emotional deficits associated with the Dark Triad traits: cognitive empathy, affective empathy, and alexithymia. How the Dark Triad traits predict relationship choices. Different routes to limited empathy in Prostitutes Pecs sexes: examining the links between the Dark Triad and empathy. I just cannot control myself: Prostitutes Pecs Dark Triad and self- control.

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