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Honor and Degradation in Modern Times: Comparing the US and Germany

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I first discovered that I could read at the age of four. They burned Prostitutes Lebach it, blazed from it; located not merely in its binding or its pictures, Prostitutes Lebach were enshrined in chapter headings and opening letters, paragraphs and columns. I quickly learned that reading is cumulative and proceeds by geo-metrical progression: each new reading builds upon whatever the reader has read before.

Over the next two years Prostitutes Lebach read to Borges, as did many other fortunate and casual acquaintances, either in the evenings or, if school allowed it, in the mornings. The ritual was always very much the same.

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Ignoring the elevator, I would climb the stairs to his apartment stairs similar to the ones Borges had once climbed carrying a newly acquired copy of The Arabian Nights ; he failed to notice an open window and received a bad cut which turned septic, leading him to delirium and to the belief that he was going mad ; I would ring the bell; I would be led by the maid through a curtained entrance into the small Prostitutes Lebach where Borges would come and meet me, soft hand outstretched.

In that sitting-room, under a Piranesi engraving of circular Roman ruins, I read Kipling, Stevenson, Henry James, Prostitutes Lebach entries of the Brockhaus German encyclopedia, verses of Marino, of Enrique Banchs, Prostitutes Lebach Heine but these last ones he knew by heart, Prostitutes Lebach I would barely have begun my reading when his hesitant voice picked up Prostitutes Lebach recited from memory; the hesitation was only in the cadence, not in the words themselves, which he remembered unerringly.

I had not read many of these authors before, so the ritual was a curious one. I would discover a text by reading it out loud, while Borges used his ears as other readers use their eyes, to scan the page for a word, for a Prostitutes Lebach, for a paragraph that would confirm a memory.

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What do you think Stevenson had in mind? Prostitutes Lebach impossibly precise? He remarked on the poetic appropriateness of this, and wondered out loud whether Kipling had invented this concrete Prostitutes Lebach yet symbolic language. Reading to Borges always resulted in a mental reshuffling of my own books; that evening, Kipling and Wilkins stood side by side on the same imaginary shelf.

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There is a story by Evelyn Waugh in which a man, rescued by another in the midst of the Amazonian jungle, is forced by his rescuer to read Dickens out loud for the rest of his life. I Prostitutes Lebach enthralled not so much by the texts he was making me discover many of which eventually became my own favourites as by Prostitutes Lebach comments, which were vastly but unobtrusively erudite, very funny, sometimes cruel, Prostitutes Lebach always indispensable.

I felt I was the unique owner of a carefully annotated edition, compiled for my exclusive sake. I was more than willing to be used.

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Prostitutes Lebach meeting Borges, either I had read silently on my own, or someone had read aloud to me a book Prostitutes Lebach my choice. Reading out loud to the blind old man was a curious experience because, even though I felt, with some effort, in control of the tone and pace of the reading, it was nevertheless Borges, the listener, who became the master of the text.

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I was the driver, but the landscape, the unfurling space, Prostitutes Lebach to the one being driven, for whom there was no other responsibility than that of apprehending the country Prostitutes Lebach the windows. Borges chose the book, Borges stopped me or asked me to continue, Borges interrupted to comment, Borges allowed the words to come to him.

I was invisible.

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I quickly learned that reading is cumulative and proceeds by geo-metrical progression: each new reading builds upon Prostitutes Lebach the reader has read before.

The progression of my reading never followed the conventional sequence of time. For instance, reading out loud to him texts that Prostitutes Lebach had read before on my own modified those earlier solitary readings, widened and suffused my Prostitutes Lebach of them, made me perceive what I had not perceived at the time but seemed to recall Prostitutes Lebach, triggered by his response.

I first kept my books in straight alphabetical order, by author. Then I began dividing them by genre: novels, essays, plays, poems.

Later on I tried grouping them by language, and when, during the course Prostitutes Lebach my travels, I was obliged to keep only a few, I separated them into those I hardly ever read, those I read all the time and those I was hoping to read. Sometimes my library obeyed secret rules, born Prostitutes Lebach idiosyncratic associations. But not only totalitarian governments fear reading. Readers are bullied in schoolyards and in locker-rooms as much as in government offices and prisons.

Almost everywhere, the community of readers has an ambiguous reputation that comes from its acquired authority and perceived power. Something in the relationship between a reader and a book is recognized as wise and fruitful, but it is also seen as disdainfully Prostitutes Lebach and excluding, perhaps because the image of an individual curled up in a corner, seemingly oblivious of the grumblings of the world, suggests impenetrable privacy and a selfish Prostitutes Lebach and singular secretive action.

The popular fear of what a reader might do among the pages of a book is like the ageless fear men have of what women might do in the secret places of their body, and of what witches and alchemists might do in the dark behind locked doors.

With this excuse, and with increasing effect, the artificial dichotomy between life and reading is actively encouraged by those in power. Demotic regimes demand that we forget, and therefore they brand books as superfluous luxuries; totalitarian regimes demand that we not think, and therefore they ban and threaten and censor; both, by and large, require that we become stupid and that we accept our Prostitutes Lebach meekly, and therefore they encourage the consumption of pap.

In such circumstances, readers cannot but be subversive.

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And so I ambitiously proceed from my history as a reader to the history of the act of reading. Ultimately, Prostitutes Lebach, the history of reading is the history of each of its readers.

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Even its starting-point has Prostitutes Lebach be fortuitous. The definition of its elements very frequently comes last, practice precedes theory, the intuitive labours of its precursors are less comprehensible for the profane reader than those Prostitutes Lebach the modern mathematicians.

Its chronology Prostitutes Lebach be that of political history. Nor can a history of reading follow the coherent succession of the history of literary criticism; the qualms expressed by the nineteenth-century mystic Anna Katharina Emmerich that the printed text never equalled her experience 24 were even more strongly expressed two thousand years earlier by Socrates who found books an Prostitutes Lebach to learning 25 and in our time by the German critic Hans Magnus Enzensberger who praised illiteracy and proposed a return to the original creativity of oral literature.

Books think for me. The past of that history Prostitutes Lebach ahead of us, on the last page in that cautionary future described by Ray Bradbury in Fahrenheitin which books are carried not on paper but in the mind.

It skips chapters, browses, selects, rereads, refuses to follow conventional order. Teaching optics and the laws of perception in a sixteenth-century Islamic school. I saw them, the year before the Gulf War, in an Prostitutes Lebach display case in the Archeological Museum of Baghdad. They are simple, unimpressive objects, each bearing a few discreet markings: a small indentation near the top and some sort of stick-drawn animal in the centre.

One of the animals may be a goat, in which case Prostitutes Lebach other is probably a sheep. The indentation, Prostitutes Lebach say, represents the number ten.

All our history begins with these two modest tablets. There is something intensely moving in these tablets. By the mere fact of looking at these tablets we have prolonged a memory from the beginnings of our time, preserved a thought long after Prostitutes Lebach thinker has stopped thinking, and made ourselves participants in an act of creation that remains open for as long as the incised images are seen, deciphered, read.

Like my nebulous Sumerian ancestor reading the two small tablets on that inconceivably remote afternoon, I too am reading, here in my room, across centuries and seas. But Prostitutes Lebach does this process take place? Reading begins with the eyes. But by what alchemy do these letters become intelligible words?

What takes place inside Prostitutes Lebach when we are faced with a text? What, in fact, is the act we call reading? A few decades earlier Aristotle had suggested another theory. Six centuries later, the Greek physician Galen offered a fourth solution, contradicting Epicurus and following Euclid. The air itself then became capable of perception, apprehending the qualities of the objects perceived however far away they might happen to be. Prostitutes Lebach qualities were re-transmitted back through the eye to the brain, and down the spinal cord to the nerves of sense and motion.

For Galen, the observer, rendering the Prostitutes Lebach sentient, held an active role, and the root from which vision stemmed lay deep in the brain.

Medieval Prostitutes Lebach, for whom Galen and Aristotle were the fountainheads of scientific learning, generally believed that a hierarchical relation Prostitutes Lebach be found between these two theories.

Memory was only one of the functions that benefited from this husbandry of the senses. Inside the brain are five small connected circles representing, from left to right, the principal site of common sense, Prostitutes Lebach then the sites of imagination, fantasy, cogitative power and memory. According to the accompanying gloss, Prostitutes Lebach circle of common sense is related as well to the heart, also depicted in the drawing.

This rete mirabile appears in a drawing of a brain that Leonardo da Vinci made around the yearclearly marking the separate ventricles and attributing to different sections the various mental faculties.

The surrounding objects transmit their images to the senses and the senses pass these on to the impresiva.

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The impresiva communicates them to the senso comune and, from there, they are imprinted in the memory where they become more or less fixed, according to the importance and force of the object in question.

The sight of black letters to use Prostitutes Lebach alchemical image became Prostitutes Lebach this process the gold of knowledge. But one fundamental question remained unsolved: did we, the readers, reach Prostitutes Lebach and capture Prostitutes Lebach on a page, according to the theories of Euclid and Galen? Or did the letters reach out to our senses, as Epicurus and Aristotle had maintained? For Leonardo and his contemporaries, the answer or hints towards an answer could be found in a thirteenth-century translation of a book written two hundred years earlier so long are sometimes the hesitancies of scholarship in Egypt, by the Basra scholar al-Hasan ibn al-Haytham, known to the West as Alhazen.

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This het-erogenous arrangement of international trade and mercenary warfare gave Fatimid Egypt all the advantages and aims of a truly cosmopolitan state. According to al-Haytham, all perception from the outside world involves a certain deliberate inference that stems from our faculty of judgement.

Al-Haytham died in Cairo in According to Bacon, when we look at an object a tree or the letters SUN a visual pyramid is formed that has its base on the object itself and its apex at the centre of the curvature of the cornea. But how does this perception become reading? How does the act of apprehending letters relate to a process that involves not only Prostitutes Lebach and perception Prostitutes Lebach inference, judgement, memory, recognition, knowledge, experience, practice? Al-Haytham knew and Bacon no doubt agreed that all these elements necessary to perform Prostitutes Lebach act of reading lent it an astounding complexity, which required for its successful performance the co-ordination of a hundred different skills.

All these bewilderingly diverse elements come together in that one act; this much, al-Haytham had surmised. But how it all took place, what intricate and formidable connections these elements established among themselves, was a question that, for al-Haytham and for his readers, remained unanswered. The Prostitutes Lebach study of neurolinguistics, the relationship between brain and language, begins almost eight and a half centuries after al-Haytham, Prostitutes Lebach That year, two French scientists, Michel Dax and Paul Broca,22 suggested in simultaneous but separate studies that the vast majority of humankind, as a result of a genetic process which begins at conception, is born with a Prostitutes Lebach cerebral hemisphere that will eventually become the dominant part of the brain for encoding and decoding language; a much smaller proportion, mostly left-handers or ambidextrous Prostitutes Lebach, develop this function Prostitutes Lebach the right cerebral hemisphere.

But neither hemisphere Prostitutes Lebach act as encoder and decoder until the person is actually exposed to language. Internationally acclaimed as an anthologist, translator, essayist, novelist, and editor, Alberto Manguel is the Prostitutes Lebach author of several award-winning books, including A Dictionary of Imaginary Places and A History of Reading. Words spoke to you, gave up their secrets; at that moment, whole Prostitutes Lebach opened.

You became, irrevocably, a reader. Noted essayist Alberto Manguel moves from this essential moment to explore the year-old conversation between words and that magician without whom the book would be a lifeless Prostitutes Lebach the Prostitutes Lebach. Manguel lingers over reading as seduction, as rebellion, as obsession, and goes on to trace the never-before-told story of the reader's progress from clay tablet to scroll, codex to CD-ROM.

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Amartya Sen. The Library at Night. Alberto Manguel. Amitav Ghosh. Kavitha Rao. Edward Brooke-Hitching. Ms Peggy Mohan. Manguel takes us through the history of reading as if leading us room by room through the infinite library Borges constructed in one of his famous stories. Manguel's approach is not chronological, but thematic. His chapter topics jump from attempts to censor reading to the physical surroundings favored by readers, from the limitations of translations to the esotericism of books written for a restricted readership.

Throughout he moves easily through time and geography to quote anecdotes and examples from diverse sources. Manguel's enthusiasm, and the impressive breadth of his reading, will make his readers eager to rush Prostitutes Lebach the nearest library. Prostitutes Lebach erudition, and his balance of scholarship with literary exuberance. Prostitutes Lebach in Buenos Aires, Manguel has traveled extensively and is now a Canadian citizen.

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Report abuse. A wonderful book about books. I owned this book ina Spanish translation, but I absolitely needed the original English version. Arrived in wonderful time but cannot yet review as still unread. See full summary ». The dream of two young men to become sailors collides with the harsh realities of life in East Germany. Add a Plot.

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